Troy Baker Talks The Last of Us and Batman Arkham at ArcadeCon
Added: 12.07.2015 18:15 | 60 views | 0 comments
An interview with renowned voice actor Troy Baker has emerged from ArcadeCon, courtesy of The Arcade. Famous for voice acting nearly all of the great video game characters in recent times, including Booker DeWitt in Bioshock Infinite, Joel in The Last of Us Pagan Min in Far Cry 4 and The Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins, Troy took some time out to chat in a video produced by Hello Deer Media.
Tags: Dead, Trek, Booker, Bioshock, Batman, With, DeWitt, Last, Far Cry, John, The Last, Joker, Tales, Booker DeWitt, Arkham, Batman Arkham
| E3 2014: Troy Baker is Far Cry 4's Villain
Added: 10.06.2014 14:14 | 66 views | 0 comments
Troy Baker, the actor known for BioShock Infinite's Booker DeWitt and The Last of Us' Joel, will play the villain in Far Cry 4.
| 10 Incredible Genderswapped Cosplays
Added: 06.04.2014 0:14 | 98 views | 0 comments
From Booker DeWitt to Princess Peach - Here are 10 video game-inspired genderbent cosplays.
| Cosplay of the Day: Alternate Universe Booker DeWitt
Added: 15.03.2014 15:18 | 52 views | 0 comments
UM writes: Gender flipped cosplay is always cool, and theres never really any need for it to make sense within the context of a given story. But in the case of BioShock Infinites Booker DeWitt, it actually kind of does.
Infinite is about all the universes which exist, have existed or could ever exist. In one of them, Booker DeWitt very well could be a woman, and she might look something like Angela Bermudez here.
| News: BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2 trailer reveals major characters
Added: 28.01.2014 11:56 | 79 views | 0 comments
Spoilers for those yet to play Episode 1.
Reading on means you're likely to have elements from the new DLC and earlier story details spoiled.
Atlas, aka Frank Fontaine, appears to be a major player in the new DLC, plus Booker DeWitt has risen miraculously from the dead – murdered by Elizabeth at the end of Burial at Sea Episode 1.
Episode 2 sees players taking control of Elizabeth.
Via Eurogamer
| Game of the Year: Bronze Trophy - BioShock Infinite - Push Square
Added: 30.12.2013 14:17 | 60 views | 0 comments
Push Square: "Bold, brash, and brimming with more out-of-place Beach Boys records than a music store aimed at industrial rock fans [Bleurgh Ed], its hardly surprising that BioShock Infinite soared to the summit of our Game of the Year poll speedier than protagonist Booker DeWitt when strapped into a bizarre lighthouse contraption. Irrational Games first-person shooter certainly had its flaws, but the PlayStation 3 escapade served up a storyline so outrageously ambitious that it rendered a number of editors here at Push Square towers mute for well over a week. The silence was bliss."
Tags: PlayStation, Games, Gain, Infinite, Booker, With, BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Shoot, DeWitt, Bolt, Yeah, Square, Irrational, Booker DeWitt, Irrational Games, Bears, Puls
| BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea: Episode 1 Review [Muse Culture]
Added: 20.11.2013 21:17 | 72 views | 0 comments
The multiuniverse adventures of Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth take us back to the depth of Andrew Ryan's Rapture in BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea: Episode 1
Tags: Infinite, Booker, With, BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Shoot, DeWitt, Review, Episode, Booker DeWitt, Elizabeth
| DLC Review: Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode One | PushStart
Added: 14.11.2013 15:18 | 74 views | 0 comments
Burial at Sea Episode One marks the first release of story based DLC for the highly acclaimed Bioshock Infinite from Irrational Games. We join Elizabeth and Booker DeWitt once more, but this time its somewhat in an alternate reality and the characters we once knew, may not be as they once seemed. One factor that does remain a little familiar is the return of the underwater city of Rapture. Though this is a Rapture set before the first two games and everything is new, full of distinguished gentlemen and beautiful dames.
Tags: Infinite, Booker, Bioshock, With, DeWitt, Though, Episode, Irrational, Booker DeWitt, Elizabeth, Bioshock Infinite
| BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea: Episode One Launch Trailer (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Added: 12.11.2013 15:22 | 65 views | 0 comments
Booker DeWitt is hired by Elizabeth to investigate the disappearance of a young girl in the first episode of Burial At Sea.
Tags: Trailer, Booker, With, BioShock, Shoot, DeWitt, Xbox, Launch, Episode, Launch Trailer, Booker DeWitt, Elizabeth
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